1) | https://www.scout.org.hk/en/ | |
 | | 2) | http://www.facebook.com/hkscoutshop | |

Please vist our Facebook Page and like us on Facebook! | | 3) | http://www.worldscoutshops.com | |
The World Scout Shop offers an ever-growing range of high quality scouting products. Badges, woggles, scarves, souvenirs, camping equipment, and much more – it’s all here! We’re the only authorised supplier of World Scout items, and ALL profits go directly back to scouting.
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Scout Bazaar 是亞太區童軍的一站式網上商店,搜羅來自世界各地的童軍制服、配飾、露營裝備、童軍書籍等,亦特別支持環保和可循環產品,作為您創造更美好世界的首選。在線服務使您能夠找到獨特的產品來豐富您的童軍體驗。所有利潤將用於支持地區內的童軍發展。
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